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Личный кабинет
Работа в Тюмени28.05.10 13:43
Старший инженер по борьбе с коррозией/Senior Corrosion Engineer, JG3
зарплата по договоренности
- higher professional education in Materials & Corrosion Engineering,
Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering;
- work experience in corrosion sphere is 10 years;
- upper intermediate English.
Conditions: relocation to another region. The salary is high (after the interview).
If you want to apply for job fill your CV by details as much as possible. You can download CV from the site http://www.oilandgaz.ru and send an email with the name of Job: E-mail rezume@oilandgaz.ru.
Please note: the consultant will contact you only if your CV meet all the requirements of the vacancy.
If you are an experienced specialist / head of oil and gas and related industries and are interested in that consultants CC Neftegaz consider you in the future for other vacancies, please send your CV by e-mail with the subject "in the database”.
CC «Neftegaz»
Phone/fax: (3452) 75-21-47, 8-922-268-19-35 Tatyana